This build is focused around not using Short Fuse or Weapons that have a small splash radius for Example the boogeyman. The boogeyman is the star of the show for this build but there are a few weapons that can work with this set up. Moze has an excellent formula and she is not limited to just short fuse and other skills, this build showcases that.
Action Skill: Iron Cub
Augments: Bear Fist Wild Swing.
This build focuses on Cub being up to have maximum uptime for Flare, so we have cub use bear fist with wild swing. Cub will not waste any fuel, it will be a little unkillable machine and provide Moze a massive power boost thanks to the Flare Class Mod.
Playstyle: GOOO BRRR, no really, you shoot boogeyman, it has incredible ammo regen that plus the regen from Super Soldier, you just shoot gun and things go brr. Plus thanks to the URAD anoint, you have massive rad splosions thanks to TCP and Superior Firepower thus making Mobbing feel very very satisfying.
Bear Fist Wild Swing
Super Soldier Ideally anything but Amp.
Cryo Hex with On Grenade Throw
For your class mods, you ideally want the same passives for each: Splash Damage, Weapon Damage and Sniper Damage