This setup can provide support for both gunplay and maximizing the damage and utility of Rakk Attack, as level 72 gives enough points to combine both builds.
Augments: Falconer’s Feast + Flock’N’Load for the best healing. You may find Rakkcelerate useful for some slower weaponry, or if you decide to go with less points in Head Count. Cryo Rakks can be useful in areas with Armored enemies, and Rakks in general can hit pretty well if using Splash anointments.
Alternative Skill Setups:
Skill Flexibility:
Playstyle: What will define your playstyle is pretty much your own preferences as far as how to play this goes, since Rakks are pretty much on-demand anointment triggers. There are things you should keep in mind though, like how Rakks can heal you for a bit (or quite a lot if using R4kk P4k), and that you should get a good feeling for the anointments so you can cycle them well. With most weapons you’ll be able to spam Rakks to a certain extent, but with slower ones you should keep the anointment cycling thing in mind.
You should be considerably aware of your positioning and try to eliminate the most dangerous enemy types as quickly as possible, since you will be lacking meaningful ways to divert aggro. The shields with ASS anointment are an immediate recommendation if you feel like survival is too much of an issue.
Another tip is that you can use Rakks for a reload cancel by casting Rakks as soon as the magazine size from your current reload comes in, skipping the final part of the reload animation. This way you can cycle your anointments while also optimizing reload time.
If your pet goes down and you don’t want to manually revive it, you can go into the skill menu, equip another pet, go back into the game and then back into the skill menu to re-equip the desired pet. Alternatively, you can skip the last step and just swap to the next best pet each time one goes down. Another way is swapping to a Friend-bot class mod and killing an enemy, or using a Res pistol.
If you use the alternative Red/Blue setup, URad also becomes a possible main anointment choice. It’s worth noting that Splash bonuses and URad both boost Rakk damage. Next 2 mags bonus elemental anoints are very versatile and easy to maintain. 100 ASE, Killstack (12.5% reload speed and gun damage per kill stacking up to 10 times) or Consecutive hits are high uptime options for your guns. Killstack anoint excels for prolonged mobbing but does notably fall off in bossing and when not given time to ramp.
Anointment is a choice between 50% ASE or ASS Break/Fill Effect on some shields. The ASS anointment can provide great survival and utility on some shields.
Anointment is a choice between 50% ASE or 25% On Grenade Throw. 50% ASE has higher potential when element matching properly, while OGT is not ASE dependent and can provide a slightly higher damage multiplier in theory. If using OGT, you might want to consider running the “Okay Boomer” modifier for grenade sustain.
General stat boosts to look for on all class mods are: