Centered around Splash Damage, Hollow Point and Overkill with Heavy Weapons, this build outputs some of the highest damage possible on FL4K, with a potentially very quick clear speed for most areas in the game. The immense synergy with the Overkill and Hollow Point Guardian Rank skills makes it highly recommended to have them unlocked. The use of Fuzzy Math allows for significantly more frequent uptime of amp shield effects, greatly increasing burst damage.
Augments: Not My Circus provides survivability via pet taunts. Guerillas in the Mist is not selected here, as it would be purely detrimental.
Skill Flexibility:
Playstyle: More Than Okay Boomer is a powerful modifier you can run to sustain your grenades, which will keep your ammo, cooldowns and OGT anointment going. Big Kick Energy is a desirable option for launchers in general due to their nature of usually being either pinpoint accurate or fire and forget.
While shooting Heavy Weapons, you’ll want to throw out Hunter-Seekers so they can get you LNT and Head Count procs, while also stacking Furious Attack and allowing you to skip reloading entirely, giving you essentially infinite ammo.
Sometimes you’ll get unlucky chains and be forced into a reload, but you can cancel that animation until you get a LNT proc by a) quickly pressing to swap to another weapon then back to your main (might reset anoints, be careful), b) throwing more grenades, c) casting Fade Away or d) meleeing.
Since Splash and bonus elements (or 25% On Grenade Thrown) are calculated on hit, you have the benefit of being able to activate Rakks after shooting your launchers and still get all your anointments applied. This can be advantageous in a lot of scenarios. You’ll want to mix in grenade throws between shots/casts or while charging the Plaguebearer to upkeep your ammo and cooldowns.
If your pet goes down and you don’t want to manually revive it, you can go into the skill menu, equip another pet, go back into the game and then back into the skill menu to re-equip the desired pet. Alternatively, you can skip the last step and just swap to the next best pet each time one goes down. Another way is swapping to a Friend-bot class mod and killing an enemy. Finally, you can use the Res pistol to revive it from range.
125% Splash is the main anointment and the overall best performer for launchers. It has the best Overkill + Hollow Point synergy.
150/90 is mainly a one-shot anointment, but can be good for mobbing at times by snowballing with Overkill pretty hard in situations where one-shots become consistent. Not the best pairing with DE4DEYE/OGT anointment because they’re additive to each other, and the 150% already bloats that modifier.
100% Radiation while below 50% health (URad) can be a good anointment to have on any guns you intend to use during FFYL. 125% Splash is the main anointment, but it turns off as soon as you go down. Having this is a good backup for such situations.
Anointment is a choice between 50% ASE or ASS Break/Fill Effect on some shields. The ASS anointment can provide great survival and utility on some shields.
Anointment is a choice between 25% On Grenade Throw or 50% ASE. OGT is ideal if you wish to focus on Rakk damage since it boosts it, while 50% ASE has better applicability on sources like Messy Breakup Drones and Rico Reflects due to Megavore procs.
Within the given options, the ideal roll combination for maximum consistent damage is:
While Pearl is theoretically the best general damage increase for this, the stacking mechanic might not be consistent and it can end up just performing worse most of the time if you don’t play around it extensively. Losing the AoE boost also means less Hollow Point range and AoE clear capability in general.
General stat boosts to look for on all artifacts are: