The following skills are Gun Damage under the Normal Damage section
- Ephodos
- Prepare for Glory
- Gun Kata
The following skills are Special Multipliers under the SpecMult section
- Omega-Senshu (2)
- Tear (1)
- Clear! (2)
The following skills is Elemental Damage under the ElemBonus section
- Maelstrom
When you put them all into the formula they look like this:
*Output = (NormalHit * SpecMult1 * CriticalHit + SplashDamage) SpecMult2 * ElemBonus * TypeMod
NormalHit = (BaseDamage * (1 + Ephodos + Prepare for Glory + Gun Kata ) + AmpDamage )
SpecMult1 = (1 + Tear)
SpecMult2 = (1 + Clear!) * (1 + Omega - Senshu)
ElemBonus = (1 + Maelstrom + [SpecificElement]Damage) * FreezeBonus?