[WHOOPS! This article is unedited – give us some time to clean it up! 🧹]
Hello! Here i will share how some of FL4K’s skills/effects draw from a predetermined/fixed proc pool for their effects.
**Confirmed FL4K skills/effects affected by this:** [color=B22222]**Leave No Trace**[/color], [color=B22222]**Head Count**[/color], [color=B22222]**Two F4ng**[/color] and [color=B22222]**Bounty Hunter’s**[/color] kill skill trigger effect.
Credits to u/ertdfgcvb123 on BL3 Reddit for the [original Two F4ng discovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/egqq91/two_f4ng_extra_projectile_shots_are_predetermined/). I just expanded the testing.
Thank you to @plenipotence for our discussions and doing the first LNT testing.
Thank you to @Prismatic for the assistance with formatting!
# [color=B22222]**HOW IS IT TESTED?**[/COLOR]
**Testing method:**
1. Go to Sanctuary. Pick a weapon in which you can easily discern a skill’s proc (single pellet is easier). Exit to main menu with that weapon in hand;
2. Go back in game and fire at the dummy while keeping track of procs in your preferred way;
3. For Two F4ng, do not switch weapons at all unless you account for it in the proc chain;
4. For Leave No Trace you must be mindful of the 0.3s internal cooldown and not fire too quickly.
**How the proc pools work:**
* Their order is always the same, so it doesn’t change between game restarts or save/quitting to main menu, just resets;
* Fast Traveling and respawning do not reset the order;
* **Two F4ng**: Swapping fire modes **nullifies** what would be a proc, but does not iterate the pool;
* **Two F4ng**: swapping to another weapon counts as one shot fired, meaning it iterates the pool a single instance.
# [color=B22222]**1. LEAVE NO TRACE**[/color]
## [color=B22222]**LNT’S PREDETERMINED PROC POOL**[/color]
* Leave No Trace has an internal cooldown of 0.3 seconds. Crits during this cooldown will advance the proc pool and effectively make you skip what would be a proc.
* Leave No Trace is checked on hit, and it requires that hit to be a crit. This means that non-crits/misses won’t advance the pool.
## **108 Crit shots with LNT**
1 = LNT Proc, 0 = No Proc
[details=”6/3 (72%): “]
[details=”5/3 (60%): “]
[details=”4/3 (48%): “]
[details=”3/3 (36%): “]
[details=”2/3 (30%): “]
[details=”1/3 (25%): “]
## **100 Crit Shots : Number of procs with LNT**
Chance: Number of procs
>6/3 (72%): 79
5/3 (60%): 69
4/3 (48%): 56
3/3 (36%): 42
2/3 (24%): 29
1/3 (12%): 14

# [color=B22222]**2. TWO F4NG**[/color]
## [color=B22222]**WHAT TWO F4NG DOES**[/color]
It adds a **”listed” projectile** to the shot where it procs. That means:
* A x25 weapon is effectively x26 on that shot.
* A weapon without extra projectiles becomes a x2 weapon.
* Unlisted/splitting projectile weapons like Craps, Bekah and Lyuda get a lot of benefit from the extra main projectile, causing it to also split/have the special effect.
* A notable interaction is that this can be either beneficial or harmful when Overkill stacking: check @DocStrangelove’s [Overkill Explained](https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/guide-overkill-explained/4018106) thread for more information.
* It’s boosted up to 10/5 for 50% *chance* (?) to proc by the DE4DEYE Class Mod.
## [color=B22222]**WHAT TWO F4NG DOESN’T DO**[/color]
* It is not a new/same instance full shot or trigger pull, just a new projectile.
* It doesn’t work at all with some weapons like the Laser-Sploder, and possibly most other lasers.
## [color=B22222]**TWO F4NG’S PREDETERMINED PROC POOL**[/color]
## **100 Shots with Two F4ng**
1 = Two F4ng Proc, 0 = No Proc
[details=”10/5 (50%): “]
[details=”9/5 (45%): “]
[details=”8/5 (40%): “]
[details=”7/5 (35%): “]
[details=”6/5 (30%): “]
[details=”5/5 (25%): “]
## **Values lower than 5/5**
4/5 (20%):
3/5 (15%):
2/5 (10%):
1/5 (5%):
## **100 Shots : Number of procs with Two F4ng**
Chance: Number of procs
>10/5 (50%): 55
9/5 (45%): 49
8/5 (40%): 44
7/5 (35%): 40
6/5 (30%): 34
5/5 (25%): 31

# [color=B22222]**3. HEAD COUNT**[/color]
## **Crit Shots with Head Count**
1 = Head Count Proc, 0 = No Proc
Didn’t go for a specific number of shots because i actually just grabbed the values from the other pools, seeing as they’re all shared.
[details=”6/3 (60%): “]
[details=”5/3 (50%): “]
[details=”4/3 (40%): “]
[details=”3/3 (30%): “]
[details=”2/3 (20%): “]
[details=”1/3 (10%): “]
# [color=B22222]**4. BOUNTY HUNTER**[/color]
*[color=B22222]The world is made up of two classes – the seed and the predetermined.[/color]*
*FL4K has a 3% chance to activate any purchased Hunt Kill Skill when dealing gun damage.*
## **3 Test Runs with Bounty Hunter. Single projectile weapon, each number is a shot that hit.**
1 = Proc 0 = No Proc
# [color=B22222]**5. SHARED SEED**[/COLOR]
All the predetermined skills (including the non-FL4K ones) share the same seed for their proc pools. It’s better that i simply visually show this:
## **100 Shots with both LNT and Two F4ng**
**35% Two F4ng (7/5)**
**36% Leave No Trace (3/3)**
You’ll notice there’s a single extra proc on Leave No Trace, and only that. The rest are *exact* occurrences at the same location in the pool, and so they line up exactly.
Any sucessful proc at the lowest chance (in this case 7/5 Two F4ng at 35% chance) will always be a sucessful proc when on a higher chance (in this case 3/3 Leave No Trace at 36% chance). Any unsuccessful proc at a higher chance is also an unsuccessful proc at any lower chance.
## **Example between Moze and FL4K skills/effects**

# [color=B22222]**OTHER CHARACTERS**[/COLOR]
The only other character with known Predetermined Skills is Moze. You can check a thread on that by @Prismatic: [[Guide] Moze’s Predetermined Skills](https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/guide-mozes-predetermined-skills/4441998)