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List of “stuff” that doesn’t work for offhand weapons, for quick reference for all my fellow Gunzerkers. Dual-wielding leads to some interesting stuff, but for all the glitches in our favor, there are also a lot of things that simply don’t work on the offhand weapon.It’s worth noting that all Badass Rank stats work for the offhand.Unless I specifically mention it here, assume that it does work for the offhand.


Gun Damage, Recoil Reduction, Accuracy, Min/Max Accuracy and Accuracy Regen modifiers from Relics and Class Mods don’t work for the offhand.
Fire Rate, Reload Speed, Elemental Damage, Burn Damage, Burn Chance, and Critical Damage modifiers from Relics and Class Mods do work.
Exception: Fire Rate and Reload Speed boosts from Monk Class Mods don’t work for the offhand.
Magazine Size boosts from Relics do work for the offhand.
Magazine Size boosts from Class Mods do work.
Exception: Magazine Size boosts from Monk Class Mods don’t work for the offhand.
Amp Shields don’t work for the offhand.
Exception: Bugged extra pellets that inherit damage from the main hand, such as Pimpernel’s, do work with Amp Shields.
Orphan Maker’s self-damaging effect doesn’t work when held in the offhand.
Shadow of the Seraphs’ Extra Shot Chance doesn’t work for the offhand.


(ed. – some skills are absent from this list – I have added them in the post below – Jefe)

I’m Your Huckleberry

  • Pistol Damage doesn’t work for the offhand.
  • Pistol Reload Speed doesn’t work for the offhand.

All I Need is One

  • Gun Damage does work.
  • Exception: Bugged extra pellets that inherit damage from the main hand, such as Pimpernel’s, don’t work for the offhand with All I Need is One.

Lay Waste

  • Fire Rate doesn’t work for the offhand.
  • Critical Damage does work.

Keep it Piping Hot

  • Gun Damage doesn’t work for the offhand.
  • Grenade Damage does work (on weapons with Splash Damage).

Money Shot

  • Technically works, but it uses the Magazine Size for the main hand instead.

5 Shots or 6

  • Chance to add bullets doesn’t work for the offhand.


  • Reload Speed doesn’t work for the offhand.

Just Got Real

  • Gun Damage doesn’t work for the offhand.

Special note: It may not be readily apparent from the formatting above, but none of the boosts from Monk Class Mods work for the offhand, except Critical Damage.


So I did a little testing with this skill, because I’ve always heard that it “doesn’t work” with weapons that use multiple ammo per shot. But why?

As it turns out, the in-game description isn’t correct.

Here’s what 5 Shots or 6’s in-game description says:

“Kill Skill. Killing an enemy causes every shot fired to have a chance to add ammunition into the magazine instead of expending ammunition.”

That sounds great, and it seems to synergize well with Inconceivable, which says:

“Your shots have a chance to not consume ammo. The lower your health and shields, the greater the chance of free ammo.”

But there’s a problem. While Inconceivable does exactly what it says, 5 Shots or 6 does not.

Inconceivable has a chance to make a shot free, regardless of what that shot would normally cost. If it costs 1 bullet, it’s free. If it costs 6 bullets, it’s still free.

5 Shots or 6, when active, has a chance to subtract 2 from the cost of your shot.
If your shot would cost 1 ammo, it works as intended by adding 1 bullet to the magazine instead of taking 1 away (1 – 2 = -1).
If your shot would cost 2 ammo, the shot is free, but you don’t get an extra bullet added to your magazine (2 – 2 = 0).
If your shot would cost 4 ammo, the shot costs 2 ammo instead (4 – 2 = 2).
You get the idea.

If Inconceivable and 5 Shots or 6 trigger at the same time, the shot will be free, and add 1 bullet to the magazine, regardless of the weapon’s shot cost.

Anyway, that’s all. Pretty simple, really.


5 Shots or 6 is incredibly helpful for weapons that cost 1 bullet per shot, and for weapons that cost 2 bullets per shot it’s effectively another Inconceivable chance. It’s not really very helpful for weapons that cost more than 2 bullets per shot, however, and the higher the cost per shot, the less it does for you.

Hello, Salvador enthusiast. You may have heard about Critical Damage Stacking while Gunzerking. It’s just one of those things that Salvador can do that others can’t (without weapon-merging bugs). But what is it? How does it work? IS IT F*CKING AWESOME?!!

Yes. Yes, it is.

Basically, when you Gunzerk, you “combine” any Critical Damage bonuses that your guns carry on them together, to boost your overall Critical Damage with both guns. But it’s not always as simple as adding them together.

Some guns have inherent Critical Damage bonuses, which come from either their body (weapon type), barrel (weapon name), and/or accessory (prefix). If you look at Loot Turtle’s thread on Critical Damage [ link dead – ed. ], you can see that there are three kinds of Critical Damage. The first one is added to your other Critical Damage boosts, from Skills, Class Mods, and Badass Rank. The second is multiplied to them. Math people will probably immediately recognize this one as the potentially more valuable one. The third type, given by non-Jakobs Assault Rifles and E-Tech Sniper Rifles, divides your total Critical Damage. These were previously thought to lower your base Critical Hit multiplier (which is ALWAYS 2) [link dead – ed.]. While they do reduce your Critical Damage, adding to a divisor is not quite the same as subtracting from a multiplier. This only really makes a practical difference in calculation to Salvador, though, when Gunzerking with two weapons that give this type of Critical Damage.

Most weapons in the game that have an inherent Critical Damage bonus use the first type, what I’ll call Type A . Jakobs Shotguns, Jakobs Assault Rifles, Jakobs Pistols, and a few unique guns, use the second type, what I’ll call Type B . Non-Jakobs Assault Rifles and E-Tech Sniper Rifles are the only known sources of the third type, what I’ll call Type C .

When you Gunzerk, if one of your guns has Type B , it will multiply the bonuses from skills, Class Mods, and Badass Rank, as well as the Type A bonus from your other gun!

Note that some guns can carry multiple types by themselves, like Jakobs Shotguns with a Critical Damage accessory. This is because the Body, Barrel, and Accessory don’t necessarily have to have the same kind of Critical Damage bonus.

Here’s the formula:

NormalHit = Base * (1 + .GunDmg) * (1 + .NKLO) * (1 + .MoneyShot) * ElementMult * (1 + .ElementRelic) * SlagMult
CriticalHit = NormalHit * 2 * (1 + . TypeB ) * (1 + . TypeA + .CritDmg) / (1 + . TypeC )

Regarding weapons with Type C (“negative”) Critical Damage… let’s be honest here and say that you probably don’t want them if you plan to be relying on Critical Damage. The only one might be Hail, which is really only usable with other parabolic-trajectory weapons. Don’t discount them completely, however.

Adds up to 4 times NormalHit (sorry multiple projectiles on card weapons, uncle NKLO doesn’t love you as much ) damage per shot but for multi-projectile weapons the bonus per projectile is divided by the number of projectiles in a similar way damage from amp shields is.

Kill skill that adds Min (Overkill Damage, LvLScaledBaseWeaponDamage * (1 + sum additive gun damage) * (4 / # pellets on weapon card) ) to NormalHit weapon damage UNTIL refreshed with new value from new kill or expires in 7? seconds.

Multi-pellet weapons LOSE BIG HERE !! The card damage is damage per pellet (sorry shotguns) !!!

Weapons with non-listed projectiles (bee shield friends) also friends with NKLO

When gunzerking it applies to both weapons. So if your slagging weapon is on level / you switch to a two damage weapons setup after slagging, BOTH weapons will ‘feel’ the NKLO juice. 

Easy to see for 1 pellet/bullet per shot weapons the maximum modified NormalHit damage is 5 * NormalHit // NormalHit + NormalHit * 4 / 1 = 5 * NormalHit

The higher the sum of additive gun damage term – the higher the amount of overkill AMP the gun can ‘carry’ … // the more ridiculous NKLO becomes (assuming your crit multiplier is high enough and you kill with crits (or MONESHOTs or crit moneyshots) to generate the needed overkill amount. Slag (obviously) helps. As does money shot on the builds designed to exploit it)

Try to ALWAYS kill slagged targets if possible to maximize the overkill damage.

in-game tests

/// overkill bellow limit
# vsHealthorArmorMul 0.50; Intermediary Damage Value 44201.82031
203 343793.438 Max 0.000 Cur 20870.969 Prev 20870.969 Damage 520D1558 baseaddress Larval Varkid vsHealthOrArmor

15963.88184 – 14733.94043 = 1229.94141
44201.82031 * 0.5 – 20870.969 = 1229.941155 // ~ match

// overkill above limit

# Normal Hit = 13597.58887; using Coach Gun; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 11985.07617 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier 0.13454 (beware AMP SHIELD)
# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.12819 ); address = 4DE21C18
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 236598.04688
250 1808391.500 Max 0.000 Cur 139872.281 Prev 139872.281 Damage 54CA8AD8 baseaddress Adult Varkid vsHealthOrArmor
# Normal Hit = 83581.47656; using Droog; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 14733.94043 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier 4.67272 (beware AMP SHIELD)
# Normal Hit = 17781.46289; using Coach Gun; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 11985.07617 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier 0.48363 (beware AMP SHIELD)
# Normal Hit = 17781.46289; using Coach Gun; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 11985.07617 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier 0.48363 (beware AMP SHIELD)

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