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Krieg Top Gear Guide

Table of Contents

The structure of the guide will be as follows: each piece of gear will be accompanied by a short run-down on the weapon, ideal parts, and the means to acquire it. Following that, there will be a short collection of Honorable Mentions, gear that is fairly good in their own right, but not quite on the level of the Top Gear. Everything is shown in relative order of preference: weapon type, entries within each section, and parts (if multiple are suggested).

Thanks to Blut for originally doing this, Hoyle4 for the template, and Chuck80 for editing.

Because Krieg has two main styles of play, I’ll mention which one each piece of gear is better for:

Bloodlust (Bloodbath and Strip the Flesh) 💥
Hellborn 🔥


Note: The best stock is almost always Dahl on Weapons that can have them, with Hyperion being the runner-up. For Shotguns, the Hyperion Stock is the best, except for Hyperion Shotguns, where it’s a toss-up between Torgue and Hyperion depending on preference.


Unkempt Harold

The Unkempt Harold is a legendary explosive Torgue pistol that shoots 3 projectiles on a horizontal plane that then split into five, and finally seven at the cost of three ammo per shot. The greater the accuracy of the pistol, the longer the bullets travel in a three shot pattern before splitting. A Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold shoots six projectiles (the additional three are above the original three) at the cost of six ammo per shot. Krieg can put this to better use than any other class because of the crunch COM, Blood-bath and Strip the Flesh.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue Grip & Double Penetrating prefix.

Obtaining: Dropped by Savage Lee in Three Horn Divide or in the Torgue’s Vending Machines.

Playstyle: 💥

Thunderball Fist

This is one of his best choices for shock pistols; it’s a great shield stripper and procs Blood Bath fairly frequently.

Elements: ⚡ only.

Best Parts: Maliwan grip. Potent or Expeditious prefix.

Obtaining: Dropped by Captain Flynt or Sparky Flint.

Playstyle: 🔥

Hornet / Teapot

A Dahl corrosive only pistol with a 6 round burst and 80% splash damage, this will tear down loaders and other armored targets apart. While it isn’t as powerful as the Hornet, the Teapot will still tear through armored targets and is also much more accurate. Being a mission weapon, it’s also easy to farm.

Elements: only.

Best Parts: Jakobs grip. Twin or Neutralizing prefix.


Hornet: Dropped by Knuckle Dragger in Windshear Waste.

Teapot: Mission reward for “You’re cordially invited: Tea party”

Playstyle: both

Honorable Mentions

Rubi / Grog Nozzle

These two are grouped together because they perform the same function: healing when damaging an enemy. The differences between the two are that the Rubi can come in all elements except explosive while the grog only comes in slag, the Grog has massively increased chances to slag, decreased damage and heals for 65% versus the Rubi’s 12%.

Elements: Rubi: all except 💥 and 🚫 / Grog Nozzle: 🟣 only.

Best Parts: Maliwan grip. Potent or Expeditious prefix.

Obtaining: Rubi: turn in the mission Rakkaholics Anonymous to Moxxi instead of Mordecai. Grog Nozzle: the mission The Beard Makes the Man; do not turn in the mission.

Playstyle: 🔥


The Infinity is a legendary Vladof pistol which doesn’t consume ammo and fires in a lemsicate pattern, ignoring normal recoil behavior. It also has increased accuracy when aiming down the sights. What keeps it from being Top Gear are: its low ignite chance; its fixed pattern can be difficult on certain enemies, like midgets; it doesn’t benefit from some of Krieg’s skills like Bloodbath and Blood Filled Guns; it does, however, benefit from Fuel the Fire, Elemental Elation (fire rate), and Empty the Rage. As it costs no ammo, it can be used as a back-up weapon for when ammo is low.

Elements: all but 💥

Best Parts: Jakobs grip, Purging prefix.

Obtaining: Doc Mercy or LLMs.

Playstyle: 🔥

The Fibber

The Fibber is a unique Hyperion pistol who’s weapon card lies; the actual stats vary depending on the barrel it spawns with. The best version for Krieg is the “shotgun” barrel: it shoots low velocity pellets in a pattern similar to a shotgun. It has high damage and a high ignite chance, but has a low fire-rate and reload speed, both of which can be mitigated to an extent via Krieg’s skills: elemental elation, fire fiend, embrace the pain, and nervous blood. It also has a slow bullet speed and is best used at or near melee range to prevent enemies from dodging its projectiles.

Elements: all but 💥

Best Parts: Hyperion grip, Win-win or Redundant prefix.

Obtaining: Quest reward for “A real boy part 3”.

Playstyle: 🔥


The Gunerang is a legendary Tediore pistol that travels a medium distant when thrown before arcing back towards the thrower, much like a boomerang. On the way back, the Gunerang will explode on any near-bye enemy, potentially damaging the player. This is the reason it’s an honorable mention and not top gear. Used correctly, it can cause a lot of damage, but care must be taken not to be near any enemy when it explodes.

Elements: all but 💥

Best Parts: Tediore grip, Refill prefix.

Obtaining: Rakkman in the Fridge.


Interfacer / Conference Call / Butcher / Heart Breaker

The Butcher is a pearlescent shotgun manufactured by Hyperion. It has a very low pellet count, a high fire rate, and gains accuracy much more quickly than other Hyperion shotguns. It has the unique ability to randomly replenish its ammo, allowing for longer sustained fire, especially when paired with Blood Filled Guns and Elemental Empathy. The Conference call tends to bleed ammo fast and isn’t as good for mobbing as the Butcher, it is however much better against raid bosses. The Interfacer is the raid killer, the only problem is that it consumes 2 ammo a shot so you will run out fast and doesn’t mob well at all. The Heart Breaker is a Moxxi fire shotgun that heals you for 2% of all damage you do. With Fuel the Fire and Burn, Baby, Burn, it can tear through unshielded fleshy enemies who aren’t resistant to fire.

Elements: ⚡ 🟣  🔥 🚫(Heartbreaker is 🔥 only)

Best parts: Hyperion Grip, Practicable prefix.

Obtaining: Butcher from LLM, Tubbies and OMGWTH, CC from the Warrior or Handsome Sorcerer, Interfacer from Voracidious (or Dexiduous and Omnd-Omnd-Ohk), and Heart Breaker is a mission reward from “Safe and Sound”, when turned in to Moxxi instead of Marcus.

Playstyle: 🔥

Blockhead / Omen

The Blockhead only comes in Fire, but it’s one of the best Fire Weapons in the game. It shoots 9 (11 with Gentle prefix) “blocks” in a 3×3 square that can Crit and bounce off of walls. The Omen is what you get when the Blockhead and the Octo have a baby. The Omen shoots in a circular pattern with a central shot, and the whole pattern expands and contracts around that shot. A bit harder to use than the Blockhead, but this one comes in all Elements. Both use a single Ammo per shot and have a bonus 80% Splash Damage.

Elements: ⚡ 🟣  🔥 🚫 (Blockhead is 🔥 only)

Best Parts: Tediore or Bandit Grip, Hyperion stock.

Blockhead: Gentle Prefix

Omen: New and Improved or Basic Prefix


Blockhead: Drops from Badass Creepers in Caustic Caverns.

Omen: Drops from the Ancient Dragons of Destruction in The Winged Storm.

Playstyle: 🔥


Shoots a wide spread of shock balls that group up thinner into a tornado shape as they travel. The only Jakob’s shotgun that comes in elemental, adds 40% splash damage with it. These balls move very slow and only for a short distance before they dissipate, making it only good at very close range. But at that range it does as much damage as about any other gun you can get your hands on. The spinning orbs can each hit a target more than once, and keep travelling after they hit. With a high base damage, 19 pellets, and each pellet having the ability to hit multiple times its one of the highest dps guns in the game at close range.

Elements: ⚡ only.

Best parts: Jakobs Grip, Rustler’s prefix.

Obtaining: Omnd-Omnd-Ohk in Hammerlock’s DLC.

Playstyle: both

Honorable Mentions

Torgue shotguns

The three best “regular” Torgue shotguns are: the Ravager (Torgue barrel), the Hulk (Bandit barrel), and the Pounder (Jakobs barrel). All three have great synergy with Strip the Flesh and Salt the Wound, the main differences is how ammo efficient and accurate they are (more barrels = more ammo per shot and less accuracy). These are great guns to use until you can find something else, though the Ravager can more than hold its own in OP 8.

Elements: 💥 : only.

Best Parts: Torgue Grip, Casual Prefix.

Obtaining: Butt Stallion (Rock Ravager only)/World Drop/Torgue Machines.

Playstyle: 💥


This shoots a sword that spawns three child swords when it hits, blowing up all over the place. Being a Torgue its shots are slow, it reloads slowly and only comes in explosive damage. But in the right hands this gun can destroy. The reason this isn’t TG is because the child swords can kill you if you shoot it up-close.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue grip, Casual Prefix.

Obtaining: Mission Reward from “The Sword and the Stoner”.

Playstyle: 💥


This shotgun shoots a rocket that explodes on impact. Because it’s an explosive weapon, it gains bonuses from Strip the Flesh. The reason it’s not TG is the same as the Swordsplosion!!!, plus it’s only good with the Casual prefix because the single rocket just doesn’t do enough damage to recommend it over the TG shotguns. Note: treat this like a rocket launcher or expect to go down a lot.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue grip, Casual Prefix.

Obtaining: Tubbies after level 62.

Playstyle: 💥

Slow Hand

An E-tech Hyperion Moxxi shotgun. Unlike the splatguns this does not shoot in a arch, the balls go strait. The Slow Hand shoots massive slow moving balls of 100% splash damage. This has a huge splash radius making it easy to hit multiple targets, but cannot crit. Because it is pure splash it cannot reflect from enemies. It also has very high elemental chances, one of the best slag weapons. Since it is a Moxxi it also heals you for 2.5% of damage done while it is in your hand, includes DOT damage or grenade damage, which is nothing to the Grog or Rubi, but gets the job done for the damage this thing does. This gun does not have the same fire rate as most Hyperion shotguns, but it’s much faster than other brands like Torgue or bandit. You can also be damaged by its splash so be careful with melee enemies charging at you.

Elements: 🔥 ⚡ 🟣

Best Parts: Hyperion grip, Practicable Prefix.

Obtaining: Drops from Badassasaurus Rex and Piston in Torgue Arena.

Playstyle: 🔥


A Torgue Shotgun that’s not exactly what it appears to be. This is one of the best Weapons in the game, but the learning curve is so steep that it goes unnoticed. This learning curve is why it only gets an Honorable Mention, but make no mistake: it’s a monster in the right hands. While it doesn’t process Blood bath, with Embrace the Pain, Salt the Wound, Strip the Flesh and a Flesh Crunch COM, this thing just becomes ridiculous and can give a huge stand on raids for Krieg.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue Grip, Casual Prefix

Obtaining: Drops from The Warrior in Hero’s Pass and Handsome Sorcerer in Dragon’s Keep. Torgue vending machines.

Playstyle: 💥

Teeth of Terramorphous

A unique Bandit shotgun dropped by Terramorphous that is always incendiary. It fires two horizontal rows of 6 rounds each. The two rows rise then collapse into each other (much like a mouth opening and closing) after a specific distance. When the rows collapse they cause six small incendiary explosions and disappear. The lack of range and being fire only keeps this from being TG. It can process BB due to the October patch.

Elements: 🔥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue/Bandit Grip, Assssult Prefix.

Obtaining: Terramorphous only. Good luck.

Playstyle: both


This Vladof Etech is like the Norfleet in how it shoots a slow moving orb that splashes everything near it for massive damage. But way different in it only shoots one orb and the ammo cost is 2/3’s of a rocket meaning you get free shots with it. In fact of the 33 rockets you can carry this gives you 11 free shots. So if you don’t mind aiming and don’t want to use The Sham or fight Vermi this is a great choice and easy to get.

Elements: ⚡ 🟣    🔥 💥

Best parts: Vladof grip, Tediore/Maliwan sight, Torgue/Bandit exhaust, Rugged prefix.

Obtaining: World drop/golden chest/loot chests.

Playstyle: both


This is a Bandit Legendary That shoots 6 rockets like shotgun spread per pull at a cost of 1 ammo. Being Bandit it has a large clip that helps a lot since most RLs have very slow reload. It also comes in all elements. It doesn’t have the DPS of the Norfleet but its still massive and with the low ammo cost and big mag it’s a great option.

Elements: ⚡ 🟣 🔥 💥

Best parts: Bandit Grip, Vladof Exaust, Tediore/Maliwan Sight, Big/Rappid prefix.

Obtaining: Drops from King Mong in the Eridium Blight.

Playstyle: both


This is an unique Torgue launcher that has high rocket velocity, rocket explodes, splits in two, and spreads after a certain distance. User is healed 2% of damage dealt while holding this weapon. This pairs well with Strip the Flesh, Blood Bath, and an explosive COM. Because it only uses one ammo per shot, it’s very ammo effecient.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue Grip, Torgue Exhaust, Tediore Sight, Derp or Deep A Prefix.

Obtaining: Mission reward for completing Creature Slaughter: Round 5 (non-repeatable) in the Creature Slaughter Dome DLC.

Playstyle: both

Honorable Mentions


The problem with the Norfleet is it consumes 3 ammo per shot and Krieg is an Anti-shield user, so The Sham doesn’t work very well. If you only need a Rocket for second winds it’ll do, but not as a run around weapon.

Elements: All but 🚫 & 💥

Best parts: Maliwan Grip, Torgue or Bandit Exhaust, and Tediore or Vladof Sight. Puissant Prefix.

Obtaining: Drops from Hyperius the Invincible in Washburne Refinery or Vermivorous the Invincible.

Playstyle: 🔥


An excellent wide-area Torgue Rocket Launcher with enormous Damage, useful to get Blood Bath and cause Bloodsplosions, but difficult to wield due to the wide radius and slow, arcing delivery, as well as small magazine size and 2 ammo cost per shot. It’s also very easy to kill yourself with this RL.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue Grip, Torgue Exhaust, Tediore Sight, Derp or Deep A Prefix.

Obtaining: Drops from The Black Queen in The Dust and Torgue Machines.

Playstyle: 💥


A Maliwan E-Tech Launcher similar to Norfleet that only shoots 1 orb per shot for 2 Ammo.

Elements: all except 💥 & 🚫

Best Parts: Maliwan Grip, Torgue Exhaust, Tediore Sight, Puissant Prefix.

Obtaining: World Drop.

Playstyle: 🔥

Krieg doesn’t get much use out of sniper rifles, so there are only a few entries in this category.


The God of all Sniper Rifles. When the main bullet hits, 5 “orbs” shoot off in a star shape from the impact in an arc. The trick is to hit with the orbs, since they can crit. There’s a slight learning curve here, but basically you shoot everything in the crotch for great success. The rules are the same for Krieg as for Zer0 except Krieg doesn’t have B0re. If you have to use a sniper rifle, this is one of the few you should give serious thought to.

Elements: all except 💥 & 🚫

Best Parts: Maliwan Grip, Barking or Banbury Prefix.

Obtaining: Mission Reward from “Don’t Copy That Floppy”.

Playstyle: both, though 🔥 will get more use out of it since it can’t process BB and doesn’t come in 💥.


This rifle has a slight learning curve, but also exceptional damage output. The only drawback is the odd trajectory and the lack of a scope, but once you’re used to it, this thing melts faces. Pairs well Elemental Empathy and Elation.

Elements: 🔥 only.

Best Parts: Hyperion Grip & Venture Prefix.

Obtaining: drops from Badass Creepers in Caustic Caverns.

Playstyle: 🔥


The Ogre is a legendary Torgue spinner gun. It has 100% splash damage, increases speed as you shoot more than other spinners, a chance to pop off multiple shots in a row, can have increased reload speed, massive mag size, and projectiles can reflect off a surface. It’s fairly inaccurate and has a high recoil but why would you care as Krieg because you become a walking death machine with this.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue grip, Nasty, Wild, or Slippery prefix.

Obtaining: King of Orks, Magic Slaughter : Badass Round in DLC 4.

Playstyle: 💥


The Kerblaster is a legendary explosive Torgue assault rifle that shoots out a rocket that spawns a child grenade whenever it hits an object at the cost of four ammo per shot. Care must be taken because the child grenades can bounce off of objects and hit the shooter. This is guaranteed to proc Blood Bath on both the main shot and child grenade.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best Parts: Torgue Grip, Slippery or Nasty Prefix.

Obtaining: Drops from Midge-Mong in Southern Shelf – Bay and Torgue Machines.

Playstyle: 💥


The hail aims like a grenade launcher and shoots in a huge arch. After a certain distance, the shot splits into 2, making hitting enemies difficult without practice. If you can learn to use this gun, its damage, crit bonus, 80% splash, high fire rate and healing will make it a top tier assault rifle to use.

Elements: ⚡ 🟣    🔥

Best Parts: Vladof Grip, Rabid Prefix (Avoid Swift).

Obtaining: Mission Reward from “Bandit Slaughter: Round 5”.

Playstyle: 🔥


This Weapon has the highest Melee Damage bonus in the game at 200%. Note this bonus does not apply while Krieg is rampaging, but it is a good FFYL weapon provided you’re in melee distance of your target.

Elements: all but 💥

Best Parts: You’re kidding, right? All right: Vladof grip, slag element and either Ferocious or Swift prefix. Don’t expect this rifle to kill anything though; it’s only use is its blade attachment, not its bullet damage.

Obtaining: Mission Reward from “Message in a Bottle” in Hayter’s Folly.

Playstyle: Mania only.


This is a Vladof Moxxi AR that shoots 3 bullets at a time in a smiley face pattern. You also get your 2.5% Moxxi healing from it. With the wide spread and high fire rate this is a really nice mobbing gun, better close up than at range. With a bunch of skags or psychos running towards you, you can you hit multiple targets at a time because of the fire patter, or up close, just put a lot of hurt on one enemy. The damage leaves a little bit to be desired on this gun, but the fire rate and the healing makes up for it. Great for Hellborn builds.

Elements: all except 💥 and 🚫

Best Parts: Vladof Grip, Severe, Ferocious or Swift prefix.

Obtaining: Reward for the quest Everybody Wants to be Wanted (DLC 2).

Playstyle: 🔥


This is a seraph version of the plasma casters, shots both slag and shock at the same time. Like e-techs it has slow bullet speed and consumes 2 ammo per shot but it also has good fire rates, good damage (made really solid with everything being slagged) and has 50% splash damage. The card doesn’t do it justice as to what it can do. It will take hold of most people’s slag weapon spot since it’s highly versatile. The splash will also procs Blood Bath.

Elements: 🟣  + ⚡

Best parts: Maliwan Grip, Consumate prefix.

Obtaining: Seraph vendor in Flamerock Refuge.

Playstyle: both.

Plasma Casters

These are the e-tech SMGs made by all manufacturers. They have 50% splash damage, usually 8-9 fire rate, high ammo capacity from 50-60’s, but consume 2 ammo per shot and suffer from slow bullet speed.

Because of the reverse recoil you will waste your first few shots on Hyperion PCs, which can be an issue. The ability to easily crit with them and stay on target with fast moving enemies more than make up for this glaring flaw. They have the second best damage, best fire rate, best accuracy, and second best reload speed.

Maliwan PC’s do what Maliwan does: better dots. Too bad dots are only good for healing at endgame. That aside these are very solid with few week points making them very solid guns overall.

Tediore PCs are best thrown for maxing out your dps with them, but unlike most Tediore guns, they will still do lots of damage shooting them. These can do the most dps out of any by spamming reloads, but you will loose your ammo pool fast. Please note that Krieg’s Blood-Filled Guns + Blood Bath can transform them into mini Nukes, dealing TONs of damage when chucking them.

To hit anything with Dahl PCs, you will need to ADS because their accuracy from hip firing is terrible. They will have a 3 or 4 round burst depending on parts. I would pass on these unless you don’t have anything better. Hyperion, Maliwan and Tediore are all better.

The only reason Bandit PCs are mentioned here is so you know not to use them. Bandit are the only PCs that do not proc BB.

Elements: any except 💥 and 🚫

Best parts: Matching Grip, Refill prefix on Tediore, Bullet speed or damage prefix otherwise.

Obtaining: World drops

Playstyle: 🔥 except for Tediore, where 💥 can make good use of the reloads.


Legendary Bandit SMG, it fire 3 bullets at the cost of 1 ammo. Very efficient slag tool.

Elements: Always 🟣

Best parts: Bandit Grip, Bullets Go Fasterized prefix.

Obtaining: The Dust, drop from Tector & Jimbo Hodunk.

Playstyle: both

Baby Maker

Legendary Tediore SMG that spawns a “child” version of itself that acts like a grenade when thrown. It can also spawn up to two more versions of itself. This SMG is a chucking SMG – don’t expect to kill based solely on its bullet damage. The bigger the mag you have when thrown, the more damage it and its children do. Best paired with Blood Filled Guns and/or Elemental Elation. Note: both the main explosion and child explosions will be of the element the SMG is, except for :no_entry_sign:, which will be 💥.

Elements: Any but 💥

Best parts: Tediore grip, Refill prefix.

Obtaining: Dropped by Madame Von Bartlesby in Tundra express.

Playstyle: both, but 💥 makes better use of the reloads.


A decent Maliwan SMG, with a higher than normal elemental effect chance and burn damage. This has great synergy with Hellborn skills, such as Burn Baby Burn, Elemental Elation and Elemental Empathy. It also comes with splash damage, which can trigger Bloodbath. However, any non-Bandit Plasma Caster will out-damage it by quite a bit, while providing the same bonuses described above. Also, unlike the Plasma Casters, the Hellfire only comes in fire element, which limits its uses severely. The recent update increased splash damage securing its place in this list.

Elements: 🔥 only

Best parts: Maliwan Grip, Impetuous or Consummate prefix.

Obtaining: Drop from Scorch in Frostburn Canyon.

Playstyle: both, but 🔥 makes better use of the fire element.


The Tattler is a Seraph SMG manufactured by Bandit. It has reduced accuracy and a fixed fire rate of 7.7. It always spawns with blade accessory and fires three slow-moving projectiles at the cost of one ammo. Like Gaige, the accuracy penalty and slow bullet speed aren’t an issue because he’s an up-close and personal fighter. The Tattler is very ammo efficient, only requiring one round to shoot three projectiles. This SMG can tear through trash mobs, especially loaders if using a corrosive variant.

Elements: Any but 💥

Best parts: Bandit grip and Dahl stock.

Obtaining: Hyperius the Invincible in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode or from the Seraph Vendor in Oasis (DLC 1) in True Vault Hunter Mode and Normal.

Playstyle: 🔥


The Avenger is a pearlescent Tediore SMG that slowly regenerates ammo when equipped and behaves like a bouncing betty when thrown. How far it travels is determined by the amount of SMG ammo you have left: if there’s enough to fill the mag, it’ll travel around 20 meters. Any less and the distance will be lowered proportionately; if you have less than 10, it’ll just explode. The special projectiles and the final explosion of the reload apply the element of the weapon and are affected by grenade, gun, elemental and amp damage bonuses. Also, the reloads can trigger Blood Bath.

Elements: Any but 💥

Best parts: Tediore grip, Dahl stock, Refill prefix.

Obtaining: Legendary Loot Midgets and 010011110100110101000111010101110101010001001000.

Playstyle: both, but 💥 makes better use of the reloads.


Another excellent multi-purpose grenade mod. When thrown, it sucks in all enemies in a wide radius and groups them up. This is useful for crowd control purposes, and with Krieg, it’s one of the best and easiest ways of setting up Bloodsplosion chains. Quasar has a secondary effect as well. Throughout its duration, it provides a Tesla like effect, which shocks all enemies within its radius. This effect will build up Bloodlust stacks, Elemental Elation stacks, possibly set you on fire via Delusional Damage, and provide healing via Elemental Empathy or Moxxi weapons. Note: drawing all of a raid bosses cannon fodder together can mess up a BS chain. You’re better off with a slag bouncing betty/biddy/bonnie/crossfire instead.

**Slag Singularities are also very good.

Elements: ⚡ only.

Best parts: 0.9 fuse time, longbow sticky (or just longbow) Delivery.

Obtaining: drops from Ultimate Badass Varkids.

Playstyle: both

Storm Front

The SF is a Tesla type grenade that shoots out child grenades instead of just shocking whatever’s close to it. This is a great grenade for generating Bloodlust and Elemental Elation stacks.

Elements: ⚡ only.

Best parts: 0.0 fuse time, longbow delivery.

Obtaining: Drops from Splinter Group in Bloodshot Stronghold.

Playstyle: both


Because Flesh Crunch and an explosive relic are just stupid when combined. It’s the single highest damage weapon in the game. Just keep in mind elemental damage can have a higher damage output for correct element. You can have the other elements also but explosive has synergy, that’s why it gets listed.

Elements: All elements except 🚫

Best parts: Locked.

Obtaining: LLMs, Boll, random drop.

Playstyle: both. 💥 should look for an explosive one.

Bouncing Bonny / Bouncing Betty / Jumpin Biddy/Bitty / Crossfire

These are the premier Slagging grenades for Raid Bosses that wipe Slag off quickly like Terramorphous or Hyperius and are perfect to set Bloodsplosions chains for Pyro Pete, Terramorphous, and Voracidious.

Elements: ⚡ 🟣    🔥  💥

Best parts: short or long fuse depending on Raid Boss; lobbed or longbow delivery depending on Raid Boss.

Obtaining: Bouncing Bonny: Drops from Legendary Loot Midgets; Crossfire: purchase from Torgue Seraph Vendor in DLC 2; Others: World Drop

Playstyle: both

Honorable Mentions

Chain Lightning

This legendary grenade mod has multiple applications for Krieg: when thrown, chains of electricity will jump from the nearest enemy to all subsequent enemies in a rather large radius; it has the ability to ignore physical objects between you and the enemy, and has high elemental effect chance. Coupled with a Moxxi weapon, it becomes the best on-demand HP regen grenade in the game, bar none. For a Hellborn build, it provides additional bonuses, such as building Bloodlust stacks and stacks of Elemental Elation, setting yourself on fire via Delusional Damage, and healing via Elemental Empathy. This will also regenerate grenades over time.

Elements: ⚡ only.

Best parts: locked.

Obtaining: Ultimate Badass Sorcerer, DLC 4.

Playstyle: 🔥

Magic Missile

This is another magic grenade made by Maliwan that regens as well. This one shoots out 2 to 4 homing slag balls that do massive damage. You have to be careful with it because if you have enemies close to you it will go to them and kill you fast. Not only is this great for slagging but it kills mobs as well. This is one of the higher dps grenades of the game, and with the regen allows you to spam them more.

Elements: 🟣  only.

Best parts: locked (the purple version is x4 grenades, the blue x2).

Obtaining: Ultimate Badass Wizards, DLC 4. Good Luck.

Playstyle: both, but 💥 can use a SF instead of having to slag.

Bonus Package / Meteor Shower

Both of these are MIRV grenades, in that they spawn child grenades on impact. When those child grenades explode, they spawn an additional child grenade. The main difference between the two is the BP spreads out over a large area, while the MS tends to shoot its grenades higher in a smaller area. Both grenades should be used the same way: thrown at a cluster of enemies at least medium distance away because both the main grenade and child grenades can hurt and/or kill you. This is the reason both are not considered TG.

Elements: 💥 only.

Best parts: 0.0 fuse time, longbow delivery. Stay away from rubberized!

Obtaining: Bonus Package from Boom-Bewm, Torgue Vending machines, or LLMs; Meteor Shower the Seraph Vendor in the Badass Crater of Badassitude (DLC 2).

Playstyle: 💥

Fire Bee

The Fire Bee is a legendary area of effect grenade mod manufactured by Vladof that spits fire in a circular motion and shoots small missiles of fire in a circular motion. The reason this isn’t TG is because it’s fire only and can easily kill you if you stand within its area of effect. It’s a great grenade for Hellborn because it’s fire and will reliably set Krieg on fire.

Elements: 🔥 only.

Best parts: 0.0 fuse time, longbow delivery.

Obtaining: LLM, Tubbies, World Drop.

Playstyle: 🔥

Fire Storm

The Fire Storm is a variant of the fireball grenade from Tina’s DLC. It shoots a fireball straight forward that explodes on impact. Four additional fireballs spawn above the spot of the original explosion and fall to the ground. Like the Fire Bee, the reason this isn’t TG is because it’s fire only and can easily kill you if you stand within its area of effect. It’s a great grenade for Hellborn because it’s fire and will reliably set Krieg on fire.

Elements: 🔥 only.

Best parts: locked.

Obtaining: Badass Mages, DLC 4.

Playstyle: 🔥

The Rough Rider

It is the only shield Jakobs manufactures and comes with no shield capacity. Instead, it includes a 20% damage resistance to all forms of damage and has a massive health boost. It works well with Empty the Rage and Embrace the Pain since both have boosts when shields are down. It also works with Salt the Wound since any damage taken will be done to health. This shield is almost required for 10/5 StV on OP levels.

Best parts: Maliwan Body + Battery, Hyperion Capacitor.

Obtaining: Dropped by the Bulwark in Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt DLC.

Playstyle: both

Flame of the Firehawk

This is a fire nova shield that constantly emits fire novas while it’s down. Paired with a Grog Nozzle, this is a great healing shield for Krieg; it also has great synergy with Hellborn. Hellborn users should not get the inflammable version, because it will prevent Krieg from setting himself on fire.

Best parts: Maliwan body & battery, Hyperion capacitor.

Obtaining: Reward for the quest Cult Following: Enkindling.

Playstyle: 💥

Hide of Terramorphous / Love Thumper

The are both unique roid shields, the difference being that the HoT is also a fire spike and nova shield, while the LT emits explosive novas whenever you melee an enemy. Both lose their usefulness in the OP levels because of Silence the Voices: the more melee damage you do, the more you do to yourself whenever you smack yourself in the head. Also, the explosive novas from the LT can hurt/kill your friends and set off nearby barrels.

Best parts: all Maliwan.

Obtaining: Hide of Terramorphous: rare drop from Terramorphous / Love Thumper: mission reward from Best Mother’s Day Ever.

Playstyle: Mania only.

Spunky explains the differences between using a RR and a HoT best:

Borderlands 2 – OP8 Melee Krieg Overview (Revamped)

Legendary Sickle / Scream Sickle

These are the bread and butter for melee Krieg. They’re the best Class mods for it.

Legendary Sickle

  • +Melee Damage
  • +5 Silence the Voices
  • +5 Pain is Power
  • +5 Empty the rage
  • +5 Fuel the Blood
  • +5 taste of Blood


Scream Sickle

  • +Melee Damage
  • +6 Silence the Voices
  • +5 Empty the Rage


Legendary Sickle: Tubbies from lvl 62+ only.

Scream Sickle: world drop.


Boosts explosive damage by a huge percentage, enough said. Flesh Crunch will boost your explosive damage by the most.

  • +Explosive Damage
  • up to +6 Strip the Flesh
  • up to +6 Blood Trance
  • up to +6 Taste of Blood

Best prefix: Flesh (+6 StF). The other boosted skill doesn’t matter.

Obtaining: Random drop.

Legendary Torch / Toast

The Legendary Torch tends to be the go to COM for most Hellborn builds, while the Toast is a good pick for Hellborn builds; the skills it boosts are all great so a purple is also good. It’s probably even better than a leg Torch.

Legendary Torch

  • +Burn Damage
  • +5 Embrace the Pain
  • +5 Flame Flare
  • +5 Burn, Baby, Burn
  • +5 Elemental Elation
  • +5 Fuel the Fire



  • +Burn Chance +Magazine Size
  • +6 Elemental Elation
  • +5 Pain is Power



Legendary Torch: tubbies from lvl 62+ only.

Toast: Obtaining: world drop.

Legendary Reaper / BloodBlister

The Legendary Reaper is a great choice for those who aren’t in high enemy areas or raids for the increased duration for Blood Bath. It’s best suited for RtB hybrids. The BloodBlister is a good choice over Leg. Reaper, you still get increased duration but you also get extra grenades. With +6 Blood Bath and your choice of Overdrive or Fuel the Blood you can get better results out of this sometimes, however the Leg. Reaper will increase the duration for longer.

Legendary Reaper

  • +Kill Skill duration (up to 99%)
  • +5 Blood Bath
  • +5 Taste of Blood
  • +5 Blood Overdrive
  • +5 Fuel the Fire
  • +5 Thrill of the Kill


Blood Blister

  • +Kill Skill duration (up to 66%) +Grenade capacity
  • +6 Blood Bath
  • +5 Fuel the Blood or Blood overdrive



Legendary Reaper: Tubbies from lvl 62+ only.

BloodBlister: world drop.

Playstyle: both.

Honourable Mentions

Pain Meat

This is Simply the best COM to use with Health Gate abuse Builds, Pain meat is highly recommended for it. (Salt the wound stacks disappear once you hit max health).

  • +Flat Health regen + Shield Delay
  • +6 Embrace the Pain
  • +5 Salt the Wound or Empty the Rage

Obtaining: world drop.

Playstyle: Mania only.

Legendary Psycho

This COM increases all of Krieg’s first tier skills by 5 and adds magazine size, burn damage, and shield recharge delay. Like the other Legendary Class COMs, the LP is a good all-around COM, but is easily outclassed by other COMs in specialized builds. It works great as a stop-gap measure until you can find a COM more suited to your playstyle.

  • Magazine Size: +37%
  • Burn Damage: +37%
  • Shield Recharge Delay: +1.50
  • +5 Blood-Filled Guns
  • +5 Blood Twitch
  • +5 Empty the Rage
  • +5 Feed the Meat
  • +5 Burn, Baby, Burn
  • +5 Fuel the Fire

Obtaining: World drop, raid bosses.

Playstyle: both, but 🔥 will get more use out of it.

Blood of the Ancients

Stockpile+health, this is an ideal relic for melee Krieg for OP8.

Obtaining: Legendary Loot Midgets.

Bone of the Ancients

Priceless for any good Hellborn build.

Elements: 🔥 ⚡

Obtaining: Legendary Loot Midgets.

Explosive Elemental relic


Without memes, the majority of Krieg’s best weapons are explosive and Bloodsplosion also gets buffed when it’s non-elemental.

Obtaining: world drop.

Sheriff’s Badge

Grants Pistol Damage and Fire Rate bonus. Also extends FFYL Time by 15% and Health by 15% for every equipped Deputy’s Badge in the party. This also increases the throwing rate of buzzaxes, but the other relics provide more utility.

Obtaining: Drops from The Sheriff of Lynchwood in Lynchwood.

Playstyle: 🔥

Vault Hunter Hub