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Axton Class Mods Analysis

Table of Contents


Hi, everyone! I was looking through the Axton sub-forum recently, and I noticed that a lot of the links in the Commando Resource thread weren’t working (I think the reason is that these threads never got ported over to the new forums before the old forums were retired). One really good thread that was among the ones missing was Afro Samurai’s “Guide To Axton’s Class Mods.”

I helped him with some of it, but he did pretty much all of the writing. I didn’t want to see it go away, so I salvaged and saved what I could. Most of it is intact, but unfortunately, the Legendary Soldier vs. Legendary Engineer DPS Comparison and some of the old links couldn’t be retrieved.

Regardless, this is a thread that is simply too good to let die.


This is a collaborative guide for Axton’s class mods. Thanks to Triad Thunder for his contributions and to all the other members who have posted guides for other characters.


Class mods (COMs) come in five forms of rarity. Each form gives varying boosts to skills. The skills and bonuses that a given class mod provides depend on both the prefix and rarity:

    • White – Gives boosts to no skills and its respective passive bonus
    • Green – Gives boosts to one skill and its respective passive bonus (up to +5 after level 50)
    • Blue – Gives boosts to two skills and their respective passive bonus (up to +5 and +6 after level 50)
    • Purple – Gives boosts to three skills and their respective passive bonus (up to two skills with +4 and one with +5 after level 50)
    • Orange – Gives boosts to four or more skills and their respective passive bonus (up to +5 after level 50)

COMs are the blueprint for changing Axton’s effectiveness at a given technique. Whether it be an explosive build, a Tediore chucking build, a turret build, an immortal commando build, or a jack-of-all-trades build… there’s a class mod out there for you!! This guide is intended to help those who are not familiar with Axton’s class mods to become more aware of how viable each one can be.

Note: All players are entitled to their own opinions about the viability of each individual skill or class mod. I recognize that there are varying degrees of skill across all Axton players and that this is not a 100% accurate representation of every single player’s feelings on each class mod. If you feel differently on the rating of a given class mod, then please describe why in the comments below. The integrity of this guide depends on your input!

Ranking System

    • Bad: When a class mod is least preferred among most players with heavy criticism on its attributes.
    • Average: A class mod is generally considered a viable choice but has more preferred alternatives.
    • Good: When a class mod is preferred among most players with minimal criticism of its attributes.
    • Outstanding: When a class mod is highly recommended and praised among all players at the endgame.

Outstanding Gear

Grenadier – Outstanding

    • +Grenadier
    • +Impact
    • +Steady

Perk: Grenade Damage, Explosive Damage Resistance (Maximum of +47% Grenade Damage and +32% Explosive Damage Resistance for OP8)

The Grenadier is a wide favorite among Axton players. Things that go boom are one of Axton’s specialties. And grenadier Axton has the ability to carry up to 21 Grenades without a stockpile relic and get additional damage on most weapons that have splash damage (check Blutfatals guide to splash damage here – Grenade damage Resource thread). That’s a lot of BOOM! Impact will boost all gun damage too, up to 44%.

Ideal: Expert/Impact Grenadier with +6 Steady, +5 to Impact if focus is using explosive guns OR Expert/Master Grenadier with +6 Steady, +5 Grenadier if focus is using grenades like the Fastball.

Veteran – Outstanding

    • +Steady
    • +Last Ditch Effort
    • +Pressure

Perk: Reload Speed, Magazine Size (Maximum of +38% Reload Speed and +47% Magazine Size for OP8)

Veteran Coms and Tediore weapons were made for each other. Steady will make sure the explosions get represented, and with the added bonus of Pressure, you can unleash a Tediornado assault with great speed (provided your health is low). Last Ditch Effort is not necessarily needed, but it’s there if you decide you want it. Tediore throwing with the Veteran Com is fun, but it goes through your ammo quickly. However, you’ll have plenty of time to look for ammo because all of your enemies will already be vanquished.

Ideal: Expert Veteran with +6 Steady, +5 Pressure

Legendary Soldier – Outstanding

    • +Sentry
    • +Ready
    • +Impact
    • +Expertise
    • +Healthy
    • +Preparation

Perk: Cooldown Rate, Gun Damage, Fire Rate (Maximum of +47% Cooldown Rate, +39% Gun Damage, and +25% Fire Rate for OP8)

The best overall class mod for general gameplay. Period. The 47% Cool Down is only 3% less than the Legendary Engineer (50%), the passive 39% gun damage boost is awesome for any weapon, and the 25% increased Fire Rate will increase your DPS. This com is one of (if not THE) best that Axton can have at both early and endgame. I (and many other players in this community) simply cannot recommend it enough. Believe what the com says in the red text: This thing is like Christmas.

Ideal: Legendary Soldier with +5 Sentry, +5 Ready, +5 Impact, +5 Expertise, +5 Healthy, +5 Preparation

Legendary Engineer – Outstanding

    • +5 Battlefront
    • +5 Resourceful
    • +5 Sentry
    • +5 Impact
    • +5 Able

Perk: Cooldown (Maximum of +50% for OP8)

Another fine com, this one really enables you to keep deploying those turrets thanks to its massive cooldown buffs. Much like the Soldier Com, the skills it boosts are mostly in the early parts of each skill tree, and this makes it useful with all sorts of builds. Because of this, there is no real need to give up the other skills that you might want in order to make your build work. This class mod and the next two class mods can be obtained after level 62 with the UVHM Pack 2.

Ideal: Legendary Engineer with +5 Battlefront, +5 Resourceful, +5 Sentry, +5 Impact, +5 Able



    • +Sentry
    • +Battlefront
    • +Resourceful

Perk: Cooldown Rate (Maximum of +47% for OP8)

The Engineer class typically uses his turret as often as possible. Battlefront (one of Axton’s most DPS-focused skills) has good synergy with Sentry since this skill allows the turret to be up a full 10 seconds longer. As many players may notice, 10 seconds can be an eternity when you are in the fray. Extra cooldown from Resourceful and passive cooldown is very helpful. The only downside is that the Legendary Engineer exists as a better alternative.

Ideal: Front line Engineer with +6 to Battlefront, +5 to Sentry.

Gunner – Good

    • +Overload
    • +Metal Storm
    • +Steady

Perk: Team Fire Rate (Maximum of +32% for OP8)

A nice mod for team play, but it can also be a good com for kill skills. Metal Storm will up the fire rate by a decent amount, and Steady will make many explosive weapons (DPUH, SWORDSPLOSION!!!, and Ogre, to name a few) more effective. Overload isn’t critical to spec, but if you want some extra A.R. magazine size, it’s an option. An added bonus is that the Sabre Turret will fire faster than normal when this com is equipped (this does not include Scorched Earth), thus giving your turret slightly higher DPS.

Ideal: Heavy/Auto Gunner with +6 Steady, +5 Metal Storm

Rifleman – Good

    • +Onslaught
    • +Impact
    • +Battlefront

Perk: Assault Rifle Magazine Size, Assault Rifle Gun Damage (Maximum of +47% Assault Rifle Gun Damage and +53% Assault Rifle Magazine Size for OP8)

The Assault Rifle magazine size and damage boosts make using Assault Rifles actually fun. With Impact and Battlefront adding even more damage, even the humblest of assault rifles can do well. When you factor in the cherry on top (Onslaught), you get a fantastic incentive to get those kill skills. Your damage will slightly lessen when the turret is cooling down, but it’s not enough to be concerned about. (For more info on Rifleman Coms, see Triad Thunder’s tests – Axton and Assault Rifles: An In-Depth Analysis).

Ideal: Front Line Rifleman with +5 Battlefront, +4 Impact, +4 Onslaught

Tactician – Good

    • +Battlefront
    • +Preparation
    • +Resourceful

Perk: Team Shield Recharge Rate, Team Shield Recharge Delay (Maximum of +53% Team Shield Recharge Rate and -35% Team Shield Recharge Delay for OP8)

A good team com with emphasis on shield recharge rate and delay as well as a nice bonus to Preparation. The Battlefront bonus provides a good buff to damage, while Resourceful will help your turret cooldown. Much like the Engineer Com, this will most likely be passed over for a Legendary Ranger Com, yet it’s still viable, especially if a Ranger Com hasn’t been acquired.

Ideal: Front Line Tactician with +5 to Battlefront, +4 to Preparation, +4 to Resourceful

Ranger (“Tiny Tina’s Attack on Dragon Keep” DLC Com) – Good

    • +Impact
    • +Ranger
    • +Grit


    • Evil variations: +Critical Damage (Maximum of +54% for OP8)
    • Good variations: +Reload Speed (Maximum of +35% for OP8)
    • Neutral variations: +Magazine Size (Maximum of +54% for OP8)
    • Lawful variations: +Weapon Accuracy (Maximum of +35% for OP8)
    • Chaotic variations: +Fire Rate (Maximum of +35% for OP8)
    • True Neutral variations: +Magazine Size (Maximum of +86% for OP8)

The Ranger COMs are all found in the Tiny Tina DLC, and each and every one of them is worth trying. Each version of the Ranger has unique properties and the best one depends on your specific build, gear, weapons, etc. The True Neutral Ranger was recently found to be the most effective at boosting a given Tediore reload because of the HUGE boost to magazine size. The Chaotic Neutral Ranger can also be quite effective with this particular setup, as pointed out by johnrr6.

Ideal: True Neutral Ranger with +6 Ranger, +5 Impact (Heavy-damage Tediore chucking), Chaotic Neutral Ranger with +6 Ranger, +5 Impact (Hybrid=good for Tediore chucking and general mobbing), and Chaotic Evil Ranger with +6 Impact, +5 Grit (Raiding)

Slayer of Terramorphous – Good

    • +4 Sentry
    • +4 Ready
    • +4 Impact
    • +4 Expertise
    • +4 Healthy

Perks: Burn Damage, Burn Chance, Max Health (Maximum of +34% Burn Damage, +34% Burn Chance and +324409 Max Health for OP8)

Even though this com has +4 bonuses to 5 of Axton’s 6 Tier #1 skills, it has perks that are pretty lackluster (DoT and Burn Chance?!). The max health boost can be either a good or bad thing, depending on how you play. Despite these drawbacks, it does give you the boosts to Sentry, Ready, Impact, Expertise and Healthy. It can be a good temporary com while you’re still looking for a Legendary Soldier.

Ideal: Slayer of Terramorphous with +4 Sentry, +4 Ready, +4 Impact, +4 Expertise, +4 Healthy

Legendary Ranger – Good

    • +5 Ranger
    • +5 Quick Charge
    • +5 Onslaught
    • +5 Impact
    • +5 Metal Storm

Perks: Team Shield Recharge Rate, Team Shield Recharge Delay (Maximum of +56% Team Shield Recharge Rate and -35% Team Shield Recharge Delay for OP8)

This one seems to have elements from the Tactician (Team Shield Recharge and Delay bonuses), Shock Trooper (Kill Skills) and Ranger (Tiny Tina DLC, Impact and Ranger damage boosts). It starts out humble, but once you get a kill, the enemies start disappearing. The Ranger Com is one of the best mobbing coms that Axton has. Having 10/5 in Onslaught, Metal Storm and Quick Charge is just insane, and it will make using it really fun. The only drawback is the dependency on always needing kills to keep it powerful. Scenarios like raid bosses where there are not trash mobs make this class mod impractical. Plowing through a room full of weaker enemies like Bar Room Brawl is where this com’s effectiveness stands out. Killing Terra or Vorac on the other hand would be a difficult feat with this com.

Ideal: Legendary Ranger with +5 to Ranger, +5 to Quick Charge, +5 to Onslaught, +5 Impact, +5 to Metal Storm.

Depends on Circumstances

Pointman – Depends

For healthgating purposes with very specific gear and build: Good
For general usage: Average from NVHM to TVHM, Bad at UVHM

    • +Last Ditch Effort
    • +Pressure
    • +Grit

Perk: Health Regeneration, Max Health (Maximum of +11019.3 Health Regeneration and +352619 Max Health for OP8)

Grit and Pressure will make healthgating builds very successful, but if you are just using this com for regular play, then it will be very lackluster. Since this com is pretty devoid of gun damage skills (save Last Ditch Effort), you will most likely end up killing things slower than if you were using another com. Scaling of damage and health regeneration makes the Pointman’s perks very underwhelming. You are almost forced to use a white Turtle Shield with this com in order to make it usable at all.

Ideal: Unstoppable Pointman with +6 Grit, +5 Pressure

Shock Trooper – Depends

    • Good from NVHM to TVHM
    • Average at UVHM
    • +Onslaught
    • +Metal Storm
    • +Quick Charge

Perk: Shock Damage Resist, Electrocute Damage (Maximum of +32% Shock Damage Resistance and +53% Electrocute Damage for OP8)

All three bonuses are kill skills, so you should be seeing all three activate all the time. Players who prefer to storm into combat will appreciate the bonuses from this com. The Electrocute Damage only applies to DoT, and even if you play on L72 or below, using the com just to get this “bonus” doesn’t seem practical. The Legendary Ranger Com is just so much better.

Ideal: Assault/Heavy Shock Trooper with +6 to Metal storm/Onslaught, +5 to Onslaught/Metal Storm

Legendary Pointman – Depends

    • For healthgating purposes: Outstanding
    • Bad at UVHM
    • +5 Pressure
    • +5 Grit
    • +5 Last Ditch Effort
    • +5 Able
    • +5 Healthy

Perk: Health Regen, Max Health (Maximum of +11460.1 Health Regeneration and +352619 Max Health for OP8)

With the addition of Able and Healthy, this com should improve your success with Pointman healthgating builds. Grit and Pressure will also help enormously. However, for things like mobbing, it lacks some real damage boosts. While not bad per se, there are quite a few other coms (even the non-Legendary ones) that can provide much more damage output than this one can. For more information on healthgating with the Legendary Pointman com, see this build and instructional video by VinylicPuma – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb1vp-l6kdk 688.

Ideal: Legendary Pointman with +5 to Pressure, +5 Grit, +5 Last Ditch Effort, +5 Able, +5 Healthy

Bad Gear

Specialist – Bad

    • +Ready
    • +Duty Calls
    • +Forbearance

Perk: SMG Accuracy (Maximum of +35% for OP8)

Seen as a sort of “misfit” in Axton’s load out, the Specialist has failed to find its niche among most players. The bonus to Duty Calls is a decent boost to damage with NE guns. While it was once believed that Duty Calls was multiplicative, this class mod would have been a viable option for those who wished to create a NE build. Unfortunately, Duty Calls is in fact additive, and its potential is significantly outmatched in terms of damage by other class mods. Coms with boosts to Impact can do significantly more damage over a given time period. The boosts to Forbearance and Ready, along with the SMG accuracy boost, have not yet been seen as exceptionally useful. One could even argue that the Specialist is an underpowered version of the Legendary Soldier, with boosts to SMG accuracy and bonuses to Duty Calls and Forbearance.

Ideal: Military Specialist with +6 to Duty Calls, +5 to Ready

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